“Presenza- A Discourse Among Past, Present and Future,” Group exhibition Villa Arconati, World Art Foundation Milan, Apr. 30- Oct. 22, 2017
Grego, Francesca, “Riapre Villa Arconati: Nuovo Volto per le Opere d’Arte” mostra “Presenza” Group exhibition, World Art foundation, Villa Arconati, Bollate, Milan, Italy, in ARTE.IT Apr. 18, 2017
Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine Struk, Danylo Husar, editor et al., University of Toronto Press Incorporated, Toronto, Buffalo, London ISBN 0-8020-3994-4, “Andrii Prychodko” in full text of “Painting” volume III , 2016
(full article “Andrii Prychodko,” in Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. IV print version listed below 1993)
World Biographical Dictionary of Artists (AKL-IKD) International Artist Database AKL-IKD AKL online version, (Allegemeines Künstlerlexikon- Internationale Künstlerdatenbank) General Dictionary/ Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present de Gruyter Saur Online/ Publisher / Date Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, “Andrei (Andreij) Prychodko” fulltext&dbid=akl&dbq_0=Prychodko&dbsource=%2Fdb%2Fakl&dbt_0=fulltext&o_0=AND&sort=name-sort
Burgener, Maria Sol, “Nice to Meet You,” interactive web magazine app on the artist Andrei Prychodko introductory film on itunes app store, Youtube, Vimeo,, Basel, Switzerland, 2015
Burgener, Maria Sol, “Nice to Meet You,” web magazine app on the artist Andrei Prychodko, Institut Integrative Gestaltung /Institute of Integrative Design, University of Basel, on itunes app store:
2014, Basel, Switzerland, 2014
Rowell Margit & Prychodko Andrei, eulogy/homily for Paul Facchetti, memorial service St Eustache Paris video, (fragment) Youtube, Jan. 2011
Leardi, Andrea, Kälin, Jasmin et al. Boesner GmbH Catalog, 2010/2011, Andrei Prychodko, page illustration & text p. 26, Mohn Media, Switzerland, 2010
Monographs, Upcoming: Adami, Botero, Eugène Carrière, Niki de Saint Phalle. Pier Paolo Pasolini, Andrei Prychodko, Rufino Tamayo et al. Kara Art books, Catalog, Editions Acatos Feb. 7, 2006
Adriani, Götz, Abadie, Daniel, Nathan, Johannes, et al. „Die Kunst Des Handelns- Meisterwerke Des 14.bis 20.Jahrhunderts Bei Fritz Und Peter Nathan,“ Kunsthalle Tübingen, Hatje Cantz Verlag, ISBN 3-7757-1658-0, p. 299, Tübingen, Germany, 2005
Bonafoux, Pascal, “Lettre à X à Propos de Reliefs, de Photographies, de Leurres et d’Apparences…” Introductory text in “From Eye to Eye” manuscript by Prychodko, Andrei & Facchetti Paul pp. 21-25 Paris, 2004
Berchtold, Lothar, „Ein Bild Lebt Letzendlich nur durch den Betrachter“ Walliser Bote, Switzerland, Wed. Aug 20, 2003
„Andrei Prychodko, Works on Paper,” solo exhibition brochure, Von Graffenried AG Private Banking, Switzerland Brig, Switzerland, June - September, 2003
Berchtold, Lothar, “Unterwegs von Kopf zum Herzen, Andrei Prychodko in der Briger Galerie Jodok,“ („Underway From Head to Heart“), Walliser Bote, Brig, Switzerland, Mon. Dec. 2, 2002
Andrei Prychodko „Bilder auf Papier,“ Galerie Jodok, Brig, Switzerland, illustrated exhibition flyer with text, Nov. 29- Dec. 8, 2002
Marziani, Gianluca, Turco-Liveri Laura, WWW.PLOT.@RT, “Passaggi: Manualità” group exhibition catalog, Edizioni Galleria Arturarte, p. 44 Settevene, Rome, Italy, 2002
Nathan, Peter, Freuler, Gaudenz, “Chaissac” Editions Galerie Nathan, p. 126 Zürich, 2002.
Der Kunstler Andrei Prychodko,” “Zum Kaffee” Radio Interview, Radio Rottu, RRO, “, Switzerland, Nov. 22, 2002
Anonymous, „Fische Schwimmen in Murten,“ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich Switzerland, May 8, 2001
Montani, Gilbert, Deiss, Joseph et al. „Les Poissons de la Ville de Morat” Catalogue d’exposition, 44 pages, Ville de Morat & Hofstetter Editeur, Prychodko, „Les Mignons du Roi Misère“ p.11 Morat /Murten, Switzerland, 2001
Hofer, Robert, Papilloud, J.H., Darioly, I. et al. “Vis à Vis” Artistes Valaisans Photographiés par Robert Hofer,” Photopus Éditions, Mediatheque Valais, pp. 26 & 168, Sion, Switzerland, 2001
Nathan, Peter, Roethlisberger, Marcel et al. „Delacroix und Meine Modernen“ Editions Galerie Nathan, p.185, Zürich, 1998
Ginoux, Nicole, Hegyi, Lorand, et al. 43e Salon de Montrouge Catalogue “Montrouge-Vienne” Art Contemporaine, Éditions Salon de Montrouge 92120 Montrouge, (Paris) France, pp. 96 & 109 Apr. 29-May 19, 1998
James Brown, E. Pignon, A. Prychodko, W. Vostell et al. “Acquisitions de la Kiron Galerie“ exhibition brochure, Éditions Galerie Kiron, Paris, 1998
Baum, Peter, Diehl Gaston, Bollmann-Müller, Verena „Lobo, Skulpturen“ „Unsere Wichtigsten Austellungen,“ (“Our Most Important Exhibitions”) p. 44 Editions Galerie Nathan Zürich, 1996
paintings by Andrij Prychodko in set decoration of “Jack Reed,“ movie of the week, Jack Reed 5- Jan. 2011 Jan. 2011 Kushner-Locke Productions, Toronto, see product release form dated Sept 23, 1996, NBC Television Network, USA & Canada movie released, Nov 17, 1996
Dziuba, Yvan, Minister of Culture of Ukraine, Toubon, Jacques, Minister of Culture of France, Prychodko, Andrei et al. Dossier of proposed cultural/diplomatic initiative re Andrei Prychodko: Musée d'Etat des Beaux-Arts d'UKraine, Kiev, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Lviv (Lemberg), Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville d'Odessa, Galerie Enrico Navarra, Paris [S.l.] : [s.n.] Bibliotheque Kandinsky / Centre Pompidou Archive, Paris, 1993
Toubon, Jacques, Minister of Culture of France to the Minister of Culture of Ukraine, Yvan Dziuba, Ministère de la Culture de France, le Ministre (Ministry of Culture of France, the Minister, official personal letter) letter/ letter no. 160715-24 Paris, June 24, 1994
Dziouba, Yvan, Minister of Culture of Ukraine personal letter to the Minister of Culture of France concerning Andrei Prychodko, Kyiv (Kiev), Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, letter no. 1-980/93, Sept. 10, 1993
Mutter, Bettina, „ Die Vorkämpfer Vom Hinterhof“, Wallis Magazine, Nr. 4 pp. 42- 47. Switzerland, August /September, 1993
Affentranger, Angelika, Baselitz,Georg, Dubuffet, Jean, Nathan, Peter, et al. „Chaissac, Gesicht, Ornament, Totem“ p. 111, Editions Galerie Nathan, Zürich, 1993
“Andrii Prychodko” in full text of “Painting” Volume III pp. 752 & full article, “Andrii Prychodko” in Volume IV p. 257, color reproduction of painting “Window, 1985” on p. 259, Encyclopedia of Ukraine, (print edition) Struk, Danylo Husar, editor et al., University of Toronto Press Incorporated, Toronto, Buffalo, London ISBN 0-8020-3994-4, 1993
Darewych, Daria, Romanyshyn, M. Clenova, L. et al. “Spirit of Ukraine- 500 Years of Painting,” Winnipeg, Edmonton & Hamilton Art Galleries, ISBN 0-88915-163-6 p. 22, Canada, 1991
Billeter, Fritz, „Alterstil und Jugendmut“ (“Mature Style and Youthful Courage”) Tages Anzeiger, Zürich, Kultur, p. 13, Monday, Mar. 9, 1987
Monteil, Annemarie, „Spiele auf vielerlei Ebenen- Prychodko in der Galerie Nathan“ („Playing on Multiple Levels, Prychodko in the Galerie Nathan“) die Weltwoche, Kultur, Kunst, Zürich, 19 März 1987 p. 69
Anonymous, Prychodko, Galerie Nathan, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich, Mar. 12 1987, p. 42
Acatos, Sylvio, “Prychodko à la Galerie Nathan” critical commentary to Prychodko solo exhibition at Galerie Nathan, Zürich, “Expositions,” Construire Culturel, no. 17 p. 12 Switzerland, April 1, 1987
“Prychodko” Galerie Nathan, „du“ die Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur, full page Illustration & text p. 3 Conzett + Huber Editions, Zürich, Switzerland, 3/1987
“Prychodko, Galerie Nathan, Zurich,” full page illustration and text, l’OEIL, Revue d’Art Mensuel Lausanne, Switzerland and Paris, France, no. 381 April, 1987
Affentranger, Angelika, critical text, Galeries, Zurich, “Andrii Prychodko” l’OEIL, Revue d’Art Mensuel, Lausanne, Switzerland and Paris, France, no. 381 p.? April, 1987
Anonymous, “Andrij Prychodko : Glasfenster”, Leben & Glauben, Magazine no. 22, cover illustration and p. 54, Zürich, Switzerland, May 29 , 1987
Affentranger, Angelika „Andrij Prychodko in der Galerie Nathan,“ Allgemeiner Anzeiger, Zürich, Switzerland, April, 1987
Affentranger, Angelika „Andrij Prychodko in der Galerie Nathan“ ZürichseeZeitung, Zürich, Switzerland, April, 1987
Affentranger, Angelika, Nathan, Peter, “Prychodko” exhibition monograph, Galerie Nathan, Zürich, 44 pages, ISBN 3-906133-01-X, Éditions Galerie Nathan, Zürich, Switzerland, 1987
“Prychodko”, exhibition poster with text 100x70 cm. citywide posting, Editions Galerie Nathan Zürich, Switzerland, Mar 3-25 April, 1987
“Prychodko” exhibition flyer illustration & texts, Editions Galerie Nathan, Zürich, Switzerland, Mar. 3- Apr. 25, 1987
Dupuis, Jacques, Ambassador of Canada to Switzerland, state letter of patronage to the exhibition, Andrij Prychodko, Galerie Nathan, addressed to Peter Nathan, Canadian Embassy, Berne, Switzerland, Dec. 15, 1986
“Le Genie de la Bastille” exhibition brochure, group exhibition, the French National Center for Visual Arts and the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Paris, Paris, Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 1986
“Le Genie de la Bastille” exhibition invitation / flyer, incl. artists listing, group exhibition organized by the French National Center for Visual Arts and the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Paris, Paris Oct 30-Nov 4, 1986
“Light and Illusion- a Group Show of International Painters,” Prychodko illustration & text, exhibition flyer, The Wexler Gallery, 32 W. 28th St. New York, New York, 10001, Mar. 5- 24, 1986
“Artistes en Permanence,” Galerie Flora/Espace Kiron, exhibition flyer, Editions Kiron, 10, Rue de la Vacquerie, 75011 Paris, 1985
Viau, René, Clark, Nancy, Laforest, Franz, “Presence de la Peinture Canadienne,” Communiqué / Press release, Centre Culturel Canadien/Canadian Cultural Center, Paris, Jan. 25 - Feb. 24, 1985
“Presence de la Peinture Canadienne” exhibition flyer, Centre Culturel Canadien/Canadian Cultural Center, Paris, Jan. 25- Feb. 24, 1985
Rochon, Lisa, “Canadian Artists Still Feel the Lure of Paris article & illustration “Horse Trading” by Andryj Prychodko & text, ” The Toronto Globe and Mail, Toronto, Sat. Feb. 2, 1985
Acatos, Sylvio, “Prychodko à la Galerie Paul Facchetti,” Construire Culturel, no. 17 pp.12, Switzerland, 25 April, 1984
Billeter, Fritz,“Malerische Gesten und abstrakte Zeichen (Painterly Gestures and Abstract Signs), Prychodko in der Galerie Facchetti,“ Tages Anzeiger p. 24, Zürich, Tuesday, 10 April, 1984
Mark, Jan, “Archaische Chiffren,”/“Archaic Ciphers” full page bilingual text & illustration, Galleries, Zürich News, p. 11 Mar. 31, 1984
Affentranger, Angelika „Zum Sprung Angesetzt, Prychodko in der Galerie Facchetti in Zürich,“ Allgemeiner Anzeiger, Zürich, Switzerland, Mon., Mar. 19, 1984
Affentranger, Angelika „Zum Sprung Angesetzt, Prychodko in der Galerie Facchetti in Zürich“ ZürichseeZeitung, Zürich, Switzerland, no. 66 p. 6 Monday, Mar. 19, 1984
„Paul Facchetti Präsentiert... Prychodko, Zürich, Paris,” Poster recto illustration „Turm 73x120cm“ verso bi-lingual texts by Paul Facchetti, Galerie Paul Facchetti, Zürich, March 16, 1984
„Paul Facchetti Präsentiert Prychodko, Zürich, Paris full page illustration and texts, “, „du“ die Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur Conzett + Huber Editions p. 6. 3/1984
Facchetti, Paul, “Prychodko” one man show, exhibition flyer, with illustration and critical text by Paul Facchetti, Galerie Paul Facchetti, Zürich Mar. 16- April 28, Zürich, Switzerland, 1984
Illustration & text Andrij Prychodko, pp. 594, booth Galerie Weber S.A. d’Editions of Geneva, Switzerland) ART, BASEL 14, 1983 catalogue Basel, Switzerland. June 15-20, 1983
Mengis, Ines, „Ein Kunstlerehepaar Stellt Aus- Amanda Bayard & Andrij Prychodko in der Galerie Wolfbach, Zürich,“ in Kultur, Walliser Bote, Switzerland, Nov. 25, 1982
Bernimoulin, Gundel, „die Innere Dimension der Dinge“ (The Inner Dimension of Things), Kultur, Rundgang durch Zürcher Galerien, Tages Anzeiger, p. 24, Zürich, Switzerland, Nov. 22, 1982
„Prychodko und Amanda Bayard,“ exhibition pamphlet with full page illustrations recto & texts verso, Galerie Wolfbach-Margrit Spleiss, Zürich, Switzerland, Nov. 19- Dec. 23, 1982
„Présentation d’une Selection d’Oeuvres: Agosti, Amanda Bayard, Dubuffet, Fassianos, Hundertwasser, Georges Noël, Lataster, Prychodko, Vajda“ exhibition flyer, Galerie Paul Facchetti, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, June–July 1982
Estampes, Alechinsky, Appel, Amanda Bayard, Bellmer, Max Bill, Calder, Chagall, Chillida, Christo, Dali, Delvaux, Dubuffet, Ernst, Folon, Sam Francis, Giacommetti, Jorn, Le Corbusier, Man Ray, Masson Matta, Miro, Prychodko, Rosenquist, Soulages, Zao Wou-Ki. Catalogue Éditions Galerie Weber S.A. Geneva, Switzerland, 1982
illustration, Andrij Prychodko, (booth Galerie Weber S.A. of Geneva, Switzerland) p. 572 ART, BASEL 13, 1982 catalogue, Basel June16-21 1982, Basel, Switzerland,
ART BASEL 12, 1981, hors catalogue, Prychodko, flyer recto Illustration, verso CV Prychodko at Art Basel 12 Éditions Galerie Weber, S.A of Geneva, Art Basel 12, Stand no. 17. 325, Basel & Geneva, June 17- 22, 1981
Billeter, Fritz, „Fröhlich-Traurige Gespenster- Prychodko in der Galerie Facchetti“ Tages-Anzeizer, Kultur, p. 25, Zürich, Switzerland Wednesday 18 June, 1980
full page original illustration, Prychodko, dated June 5, 1980 Hulda Zumsteg Collection, Golden Book of the Kronenhalle, Zürich, Switzerland, 1980
Facchetti, Paul, “Figuration-Defiguration, un Nouveau Dévidage du Reel” one man show exhibition flyer recto Illustration, verso text by Paul Facchetti, Galerie Paul Facchetti, Spiegelgasse, Zürich, Switzerland, June 4–July 4, 1980
Peschiera, Renata, “Studio Erre, Opere di: Afro, Alechinsky, Appel, Davie, Guttuso, Lindstrom, Lucebert, Magnelli, Pirandello, Prychodko, Severini,” group show exhibition flyer, Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna: Rome, 1980
Prychodko, Prychodko serigrafia a 11 colori, Dimensione A, Edizioni D’Arte, Catalog, p. 172 Rome, Italy, 1979
“Mostra Personale del Pittore Andrij Prychodko”, personal exhibition flyer, Galleria d’Arte Doria, Porto Ercole, Italy, July 13-22, 1978
“Prychodko” in Bolaffi Arte, Rivista d’Arte Italiana, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Italy, month? p.? 1978
Anonymous, Prychodko’s Paintings- Complete, Rewarding, Serene”, Art Review, the Ukrainian Weekly, No. 73, Sunday, Washington D.C., USA, April 2, 1978
Peschiera, Renata “Olii e Tempere, Strutture, Sculture, Multipli e Grafica di : Afro, Appel, Balla, Cesar, Corneille, de Chirico, Dorazio, Fontana, Hartung, Greco, Allen Jones, Manzù, Moore, Marino Marini, Pomodoro, Picasso, Prychodko, Severini, turcato, Sutherland” Group exhibition flyer, Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna: Rome, Dec. 30, 1978
Peschiera, Renata: “Olii, Tempere, Sculture di Appel, Capogrossi, DiChirico, Fontana, Hartung, Guttuso, Allen Jones, Mirò, Manzù, Moore, Marino Marini, Pomodoro, Picasso, Prychodko, Severini, Sutherland,” Group exhibition flyer, Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna, Rome, Nov., 1978
Tallarico Luigi, “Prychodko- Una Esplosione di Vitalità” (An Explosion of Vitality) Informazione Culturale, Mostre, Andrij Prychodko, Informazione Culturale, p. 3 il Secolo d’Italia Rome, Italy Mercoledì, February 15, 1978
Vivaldi, Cesare, “Prychodko, Una Pittura Completa, Appagata, Serena” critical text, exhibition brochure, Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna di Renata Peschiera, Rome, Italy, February 1978
Peschiera, Renata, “Prychodko, Mostra Personale” one man exhibition, brochure, with illustration and texts, Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna , Rome, Italy, Feb. 9, 1978
Anonymous, Prychodko in “le Mostre”, Il Messagero, Rome, Feb. 12, 1978
Anonymous, “Prychodko, Personale allo Studio Erre con Quaranta, “Gouaches” su Carta Tibetana,” Qui Arte Contemporanea, Rivista Trimestrale n. 17 (“This is Contemporary Art”) tri-annual magazine, Editalia, Edizioni d’Italia p. 4 June, 1977
Bradley, Martin, Peschiera, Renata Vivaldi, Cesare, “Prychodko” recto illustration verso texts, Galleria Bottega, d’Arte, Colleferro, Italy, one man exhibition flyer, May 6, 1977
Peschiera, Renata, Mostra Mercato 77, Olii, Tempere, Pastelli di: Afro, Alechinsky, Alan Davie, Dorazio, Gentilini, Lindström, Pirandello, Prychodko, Rooskens, Turcato,” group exhibition flyer, “Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy, Feb.1, 1977
Anonymous, Prychodko in “Arteoggi, Gallerie” Bollaffiarte, Rome, Italy, Feb, 1977
Peschiera, Renata, Mostra Mercato: Appel, Capogrossi, DiChirico, Fontana, Hartung, Guttuso, Allen Jones, Mirò, Manzù, Moore, Pomodoro, Picasso Prychodko, Severini, Sutherland,” group exhibition flyer, Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna Rome, Italy, Jan. 1, 1977
Trucchi, Lorenza, "I Bugatti all'Emporio Floreale; Attardi alla Ca' d'oro; Morrison alla Contini; Prychodko allo Studio Erre; Ritorni" critical article published in “Momento Sera,” Rome, Italy, Dec 15, 1976
Peschiera, Renata, “Prychodko, Mostra Personale” critical text, verso, of exhibition flyer, (recto illustration), Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy, Dec 1-30, 1976
Bradley, Martin, “Prychodko, Mostra Personale” introductory text to Andrei Prychodko personal exhibition, verso, exhibition flyer, recto illustration, Galleria Studio Erre, Arte Moderna di Renata Peschiera Rome, Italy, Dec. 1-30, 1976
“Prychodko: Innocence, Discipline, Synthesis: Les Préludes,” review in Toronto Calendar Magazine, Toronto, Canada, p. 43, May 3-16, 1974
Kritzweizer, Kay “Creative Bridge Links Art and Poetry,” “Andrew Prychodko exhibition at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education” review in The Toronto Globe and Mail, p. 32, Toronto, Canada, May 4, 1974
Prychodko, Andrew, “Innocence, Discipline, Synthesis: Les Préludes” Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, sponsored through Inno Space, exhibition poster with illustration and text, Toronto, Canada, Apr. 17-May 13, 1974
Prychodko, Andrew, “Innocence, Discipline, Synthesis: Les Préludes” Exhibition Catalog, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, The Coach House Press, 24 pages, Toronto, Canada, April 1974
“dw,” “ART” Andrew Prychodko, The Varsity, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, Friday Feb 1, 1974
The New Chamber Orchestra of Canada, at The Great Hall, Hart House, University of Toronto, Concert Brochure, 1973-74 Concert Series, “The New Chamber Orchestra of Canada is pleased to present [as stage backdrop] the work of Andrew Prychodko…” pp.2 Toronto, Canada, Jan. 27, 1974
Group exhibition flyer, The Collectors’ Cabinet, Gallery, Yonge St. Toronto, Canada winter, 1969