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"Day by Day" 100x71cm 39x28in canvas 2016

"Über Seinen Schatten Springen"140x106cm 55x42in Canvas 2015

"Contre Toute Illusion" 71x100cm 28x39in canvas 2015

"Out & Outs"106x140cm 42x55in canvas 2015

"Labor of Love" 216x142cm 85x55in canvas 2012

140 x 107 cm

"Tree 3" 140x106cm 55x42in canvas 2012

100 x 70 cm

"Double Portrait J.&C." 100x70cm 39x27in canvas 2015

140 x 107 cm

"Heads or Tails" 140x106cm 55x42in canvas 2012

"Loved and Unloved" 142x216cm 55x85in canvas 2012

"Portrait of J.N." 71x100 28x39in canvas 2015

"Forever Young" 140x106cm 55x42in canvas 2015

detail of "Rose Garden" 216x142cm 85x55in canvas 2014

"Not For Answers But For Questions" 140x106cm 55x42in canvas 2012

"Portraits J.& C." 140x106cm 55x42in canvas 2014

140 x 107 cm

"Through Thick and Thin" 140x106cm 55x42in canvas 2013

"Ladders" 140x106cm 55x42in canvas

"New Arrivals" 216x142cm 85x55in canvas 2012

"l'Acte Picturale" 106x140cm 42x55in canvas 2015

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